The first website where I would help a newbie get started is Yahoo...I would encourage them to get an email address and help them sign up and SAVE in a very secure place (such as their wallet) the email address and password that they established.
Secondly, I would direct them to ALOT of people come into the library looking for jobs. Also, some people may need to buy or sell items and this website would help them.
The third website I would introduce them to is YouTube. After signing up for an email, and looking for employment listings, some lighthearted fun with some cute videos will help them realize that the internet isn't only for serious business, but is also fun and entertaining.
Fourth, I would show them I don't watch tv, but do like to watch the tv show 'cops' on the internet... yes, I am quite the highbrow!
Also, I would show them facebook. If they're interested, I would help them create an account and upload a profile photo. I would let them know that library staff could help them with any questions and challenges they may encounter.
Last, but not least, I would show them I like listening to the radio, but I know alot of people (including my husband) like to listen to music selected specifically suited to their musical preferences.
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