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Monday, December 20, 2010

Thing 11: Collaborating with Google Docs Part II

Here is our collaborative slide presentation.  Please click on the blue square above the Fab Four picture to mute the music so you can hear the audio from the slides.  Enjoy!

Friday, December 17, 2010


I finished thing 9,watched the video,took the google docs tour,very interesting.This would have been very helpful for my daughters, for all their group projects in school.I have to do a lot more exploring to see how I can use this in my personal life.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Elf Yourself

This is Nicodemus, Patty's cute doggie, doing some Hip Hop!!!

Thing 9

Google docs is pretty neat. So much better than attachments to everybody. I can not think of any way I could use it, I don't even E-mail people. But could see where if you were a big company and working with spread sheets WOW would that be helpful.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thing 9 - Google Docs

After becoming familiar with Google docs, I am impressed.  I love the fact that it constantly saves your document as you are typing it in (which would be beneficial to those who forget to save and the computer crashes!) and the fact that the real-time collaboration feature allows multiple people (only ones that you invite) to make edits to a document and you would only have a single document with all the changes instead of having to incorporate changes from multiple documents.  The word processing software appears to have the standard document, presentation, and spreadsheet features you would need.  I think this would be very beneficial in that you can access your documents on any computer and you can set them to private so no one else can access them.  It also has a feature where you can drag and drop from your desktop into google docs, but I couldn't get it to work on the city system.  I think google documents is a good tool and I would recommend to patrons to use.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I finished thing 8: signed up for Diigo account,joined Largo library group, shared 3 sites : enchanted learning- Hamburger Morgenpost[my hometown newspaper] and the food network. I only use my computer at home , where I have all my favorites set up for easy use and I do not feel comfortable with public sharing , so I do not see myself using this for anything other than work. Gabi

Thing 9

I can see that Google Docs would be helpful to others and to me. Almost every day, people email copies of their resumes to themselves. If they would put that resume on Googledocs, it could be more easily edited and they could share it with others better than if they used email.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thing 8

Diigo was interesting...I liked seeing the websites that my peers selected. I don't think I'll use this much, but it could be helpful for people who are looking for new sources of information.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thing 8, Tagging and Social bookmarking

Well, I thought the video was helpful, I did have to watch it a couple times. I bookmarked the Drudge report (love that I can read news papers from all over the world) and UFC.com (love MMA) and shared them with the Largo Public Library group. I do see some advantages, but it is not something I would use. I also thought it was interesting that you can retrieve those websites from any computer and share them with others. As far as social bookmarking, like Barbara said it would be great for book clubs. My uncle is in a art group, bet it would be great for them.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thing 8 - Tagging and Social Bookmarking

This was a relatively easy 'thing' to implement.  I bookmarked 'The Food Network' and 'Amazon' websites to my Diigolet and shared them to the Largo Public Library group.  I see the advantages of Diigo in as far as being able to view your bookmarks from any computer by logging into Diigo and reading comments from others that share your interests.  For the general public, being able to join groups and keep up with and share information on a variety of interests, for example a book club, would be beneficial.  I'm not sure I would use social bookmarking much, but I may change my mind after I play with it a little more. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Elf Imposters

My family was too busy so we used our stunt doubles for the dancing.

Elf Imposters

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Just for Fun - My Wordle

Wordle: My Holiday Wordle

Click on picture to make larger.
       Wordles are fun!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thing 7 - Image Generators

Click on image to make larger.
Do you think Steve would let us use this tactic?  I enjoyed Thing 7, I had a lot of fun playing on the image generator sites, there are so many of them - who knew!  I loved sign generator, which is where I made this.  I would use image chef a lot when creating videos and slideshows.


to quote Forrest Gump "that's all I'm gonna say about that"


I viewed flickrlight,flickroom, and flickrandom. I saw a lot of beautiful photos, but this was all very confusing to me. I do not think I will use this at home or at work.I do not like public sharing of my family pictures. There is to much personal information available online, so I feel the need to keep my family photos private.

Thing 7

It was fun, not something I would use.
ImageChef.com I Am Awesome

Thing 6

Well I agree with Barbara, after looking at several mashups my brain feels like mash. I did like some of the photo gallery apps like flogr and flickit pro but I do not own an Iphone or Ipod and do not plan to get one. The barbershop was kind of cool, but would also never use it. So i quess as far as using these in my own personel life it would be a big no. I have no interest in sharing photos on line. I have to admit I do like going into my newphews facebook page and looking at theres.

ElfYourself Challenge

Here is me and our cat Ichiro doing the Charleston.  This was a fun challenge to do.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thing 6-Mashups

Mashups - what can I say except that my brain feels like mashed potatoes after thing 6. I did visit the App Garden and explored three of the mashups. I went to Trippermap which geotags your flickr photos; Barbershop which is a cool app for men to see different hairstyles and beards and such, but I couldn't find an equivalent one for women; and also Snaptweet, which allows you to post your photos to Flickr and tweet them simulataneously. Honestly, I don't really understand the concept of mashups, so I don't see myself using them at work or in my personal life. I like the idea of posting pictures for family and friends to see online, but am not really that comfortable putting them out there for the world to see.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thing 6

In App Garden I looked at Barbershop by Cameron L., Flickr Faves by griff le riff, and poyomi by rudib. My favorite was poyomi that had really cool pictures of Egypt. I also really liked the one "Barbershop" ...anyone can put their (or someone else's) picture and see different hairdos (length, color, style) and also, beards and mustaches.
I think the Barbershop would be alot of fun for me and for friends and family. A mashup of pictures of the library would be nice...especially at Christmas when we have the lighted wreaths and poinsettias.
I think sharing photos online is a great thing. However, I have heard that it's not a good idea to share personal photos, especially children...I'm really not sure what the danger is, but it's always good to be cautious.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Well, I finished thing5. It was not as easy as it sounds. First I had to sort through hundreds of family pictures, it took a long time, because most of them are fo my beautyful grandkids, had to find the animal pictures.I had to download the pictures from 2 other storage sites to my desktop, put all in a temporary folder. It is easier to upload all the pictures to the next site, if you keep them all together.Next I had to establish an account with Photobucket, not to hard to do.On one page it asked if I wanted the standard or pro-sharing.If you don't want to end up paying , make sure you klick on the very small no thanks key.Next came uploading all my pictures.Very frustrating. I kept getting interupted by an animated add and uploaded a few pictures more than once.I was able to fix all that when I came to editing the pictures.After adding a few captions, I was able to watch all as a slide show. The hardest part came next. Trying to link this site to our library blog. My family found out that I do know a few cuss words. We already have to sites to store our pictures, I think this one will only be used for work. Don't forget to take a look at my 4legged family. Gabi

Thing 3 & 4

I used Google Reader. I like the availability and accessibility of information on RSS feeds and newsreaders. I can see this tool being useful both at work and in my personal life. RSS feeds may be useful since the most current information is presented.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

my 4 legged family

Graduation! A proud moment in a parent's life. We did not think they'd get this far. Never seen two more stubborn little guys, but look at them now. Come see the rest of our 4 legged family at Photobucket.

Thing 5

This is a picture of our kitty, Maximilian...I almost never take pictures....I didn't take this one, but I love it. I liked getting into Flickr...this stuff is pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thing 5 - PhotoSharing

I used PhotoBucket, as I already had an account.  I found it very easy to upload pictures from my computer to PhotoBucket and then download to the blog. It's a great way to back-up and organize your photos.  I have posted a picture of our cat, Ichiro,  I have so many cute pictures of our pets it was hard to choose.  I love the picture posted by Debbie on our team blog, I always wanted to go the Paris, someday!   Barbara  (http://photobucket.com/home/mommabear42)

Thing 5

Eiffel Tower - Paris
Originally uploaded by DiGitALGoLD
WOW, I went to Paris last October and stayed 5 minutes from the Eiffel Tower, My husband and I could also see it from our hotel room. I can't get enough of looking at pictures of the tower. Debbie

Monday, November 15, 2010

thank you

My first 2 posts are lost in cyberspace forever,but thanks to Gail for her patience and all her help it looks like I am on the right track. 3 gold stars and a great big thank you to her.


I chose google reader. Just added "lolcats'n'funny pictures of cats-I can has cheeseburgers" to my RSS list -no news stories-no important information-just some funny pictures to put a smile on your face,when you are having a tough day. All the RSS readers will give faster access to the information I am looking for.I chose a few work related sites, to be able to answer questions at work.The cooking and sewing sites I chose are just for fun.


RSS really is not that simple-I hope it will get easier as I learn more

Things 3 and 4

I used the Google reader for my RSS feeds. I enjoyed being able to sign right in to my google account and read up on my favorite sport blog (Ultimate Fighting Championship) and also some of my favorite news. I enjoyed trying to find some Library feeds and found that the Library of Congress had some great webcasts, I saw a great one on Paul McCartney. I definitely think the library should have a RSS feed with upcoming events and also whats going on in Largo. Debbie

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Readers/RSS Feeds - Things 3 & 4

Thing 4:  I chose the Google Reader.  I like being able to have up-to-date information on topics that interest me.  A benefit of the feed is to get the information without having to go to each individual website to find it. For instance, I knew right away that Evan Longoria and Carl Crawford of the Tampa Bay Rays received Gold Glove awards.  I selected several baseball and football feeds, as those are the things that interest me.  I did find a few library feeds as well as the FDA food recall feed which is kind of a cool thing to keep up with.  However, I really don't see myself using it at work other than to have the knowledge to assist patrons.  An RSS feed of the library would be helpful to keep patrons informed about upcoming events, holiday closings, or special events.  Barbara M.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thing One

Yay! The Fab Four blog has begun!

Fun Times

Thing 1 - What a good looking group!  Hope you enjoy our blog.


thing 1 love this site


Thing 1 - Looking Good!!!

Get Access at Largo Public Library

largopubliclibrary.org offers access to dozens of databases as well as links to our e-book collection and digital audiobook collection.  This website also includes step-by-step instructions for those getting started using these collections.  There's a database for all interests, from repairing cars to academic interests to crafts.  Check us out at:  http://www.largopubliclibrary.org/

The World is Changing

The members of the Fab Four realize that the world is changing quickly and dynamically as are libraries.


Welcome to the Largo Fab Four blog.  The Fab Four consists of Debbie S., Mary Ann B., Gabi S. and Barbara M.  We hope you enjoy our blog.