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Monday, November 29, 2010

Thing 6

In App Garden I looked at Barbershop by Cameron L., Flickr Faves by griff le riff, and poyomi by rudib. My favorite was poyomi that had really cool pictures of Egypt. I also really liked the one "Barbershop" ...anyone can put their (or someone else's) picture and see different hairdos (length, color, style) and also, beards and mustaches.
I think the Barbershop would be alot of fun for me and for friends and family. A mashup of pictures of the library would be nice...especially at Christmas when we have the lighted wreaths and poinsettias.
I think sharing photos online is a great thing. However, I have heard that it's not a good idea to share personal photos, especially children...I'm really not sure what the danger is, but it's always good to be cautious.

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