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Thursday, November 18, 2010


Well, I finished thing5. It was not as easy as it sounds. First I had to sort through hundreds of family pictures, it took a long time, because most of them are fo my beautyful grandkids, had to find the animal pictures.I had to download the pictures from 2 other storage sites to my desktop, put all in a temporary folder. It is easier to upload all the pictures to the next site, if you keep them all together.Next I had to establish an account with Photobucket, not to hard to do.On one page it asked if I wanted the standard or pro-sharing.If you don't want to end up paying , make sure you klick on the very small no thanks key.Next came uploading all my pictures.Very frustrating. I kept getting interupted by an animated add and uploaded a few pictures more than once.I was able to fix all that when I came to editing the pictures.After adding a few captions, I was able to watch all as a slide show. The hardest part came next. Trying to link this site to our library blog. My family found out that I do know a few cuss words. We already have to sites to store our pictures, I think this one will only be used for work. Don't forget to take a look at my 4legged family. Gabi

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